Holmwood School and Nursery

Rebrand project for Holmwood School and Nursery

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I was commissioned by Holmwood School and Nursery, part of Inspiring Futures through Learning (IFtL) to work on a full rebrand project – providing the school with a new logo identity, a school motto and a comprehensive brand guideline document, along with a set of posters, flyers, pull up banners and an 8 page prospectus to promote the new designs.

Holmwood School and Nursery – a school for children aged 3-7 – focus their curriculum with a lot of their day spent outdoors in the forest school environment, so I wanted to create a logo which is predominantly inspired by nature. The tree icon is made up of leaves (representing outdoor learning), stars (representing success) and handprints (representing the children and the community ethos). The bold, vibrant colour palette – which also ties in with the school’s four house colours – is fun and engaging and fully reflects the ethos of the school.